Five early symptoms of HIV in women

Five early symptoms of HIV in women

Early symptoms of HIV are usually mild and hence, they are mostly ignored. Even though a person is not experiencing any visible symptoms, a person who is HIV positive will continue to pass on the virus to others as well. That’s why it is essential for people to know about their HIV status. Most symptoms that men and women both experience after being diagnosed with HIV are the same. However, not all of them. The common symptoms women experience that should not be overlooked are: Flu-like symptoms Most people don’t experience any symptoms in the early weeks after contracting HIV. However, some people may face mild flu-like symptoms like: A headache Fever Swollen lymph glands Rash Lack of energy These symptoms generally tend to fade away in a few weeks time. In some cases, it may take even as long as 10 years for the severe symptoms to appear. Swollen glands Lymph nodes are located all over the body, including the back of the head, armpits, groin, and neck. As lymph nodes are a part of the immune system, they resist infections by storing immune cells and filtering pathogens. As the condition of HIV progresses, the immune system of the body kicks into the high gear.
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What you need to know about dry eyes

What you need to know about dry eyes

They say “a tear is made of 1% water and 99% feelings.” Well, a phrase like this might sound beautiful and even true to some extent. But biology states this natural lubricant that keeps the eyes free from dust particles is in fact made up of water, mucin, lipids, lysozyme, lactoferrin, lipocalin, lacritin, immunoglobulins, glucose, urea, sodium, and potassium. Phew! That is a long list of substances indeed for a measly tear you might think. But we suggest that you do not underestimate the capabilities of the tear. Every time we blink, a film of tear coats the cornea of the eyes. This helps in many ways, such as lubricating it; protecting it from dust fragments microbial infection; healing any damage caused to the eye surface; nourishing it by providing oxygen; and keeping the eye surface moist and smooth to refract light and help us see clearly. Have we ever stopped for a minute to think about these functions of tears? Dry eyes, a common medical condition is caused by the lack of adequate tears in the eyes. Research and scientific advancements have helped us understand how dry eyes are caused. The first thing we do when we have pain or discomfort in the eyes is to either splash it with clean cold water or apply some warm oil over it or see an ophthalmologist, choosing one or the other depending on our attitude toward taking care of ourselves.
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What causes hepatitis and what are its symptoms

What causes hepatitis and what are its symptoms

The inflammation or enlargement of the liver due to infection is known as hepatitis. The main types prevalent in the country are Hepatitis A, B, and C. The symptoms of this disease are usually mistaken for a stomach virus. Though most cases are resolved in a month, they could lead to a chronic liver infection and severe damage known as cirrhosis. Sometimes it could lead to liver cancer. Sudden illnesses could be caused by Hepatitis B and C. Contamination is a significant factor that causes Hepatitis, like eating or drinking food contaminated with the fecal matter of an infected person. The risk is higher when there is poor hygiene and sanitation. Being in close contact with an infected person (changing a diaper or sexual contact) is another cause. Infected blood, semen, and other body fluids mainly spread Hepatitis B and C. Hepatitis A can spread by eating unwashed contaminated fresh fruits and vegetables. Uncooked shellfish like oysters and clams can transmit Hepatitis if they have been harvested from polluted waters. Hepatitis B and C can be passed from mother to child during birth through body fluids. Use of infected needles and razors used in salons could cause hepatitis. Hepatitis can be caused by alcohol and other toxins.
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