About Us
Glowwise.com is committed to inspiring our readership to live healthy and well.
By healthy we know that everyone isn’t after a bikini body and six-pack abs. We’re realistic here about healthy living, and that doesn’t entail cramming in a 2-hour workout every day, in your already chaotic week.
Instead, we challenge our community to strive for the achievable and celebrate the things you can actually do to make your life happier and healthier. Be that adding more whole fruits and vegetables to family dinner time, walking or biking to work on nice days, or taking time out for self care when you feel life’s stressors pilling up.
So yes, the glowwise.com editorial team does offer the gamut of health, lifestyle, and wellness advice—via exercise success stories, science-backed health studies, natural beauty tips, holistic home remedies, and lifestyle advice. But in the end, it’s totally up to you to pick and choose what you need in your life at this moment in time.
Just know that our friendly advice, life hacks, yummy recipes, tips and tricks, and little bits of wellness inspiration will be here at your disposal when you want and need it.